May 17, 2022

Sound Long-Term Care Management

Accountable Care Organization LaunchAccountable Care Organizations (ACOs) have been around for years – generally focused on community-based Medicare recipients, helping to increase care and coordination of care while simultaneously driving down overall healthcare spend. CMS has a goal of 100% participation by 2033 and they’re well on their way with 483 ACOs, encompassing 11 million lives as of January 2022. But what about the sickest of the sick? At Sound, we are determined to see that high-quality care and coordination are provided to a population often forgotten about – our nation’s long-term care residents. Being a physician-led organization with over 20 years of experience providing direct patient care and managing $2 billion in at-risk spend annually, it is a natural progression for us to create an ACO focused on skilled nursing facilities’ long-term care patients.

At our core, Sound is dedicated to providing quality care across the patient population on a national scale. While other ACOs act as an administrator to their participants, or simply a data-sharing entity, Sound is committed to being an active partner. In addition to full transparency on reporting and data, we bring the backing of all our clinical service lines to mitigate risk, offer support and ultimately, work as a team to increase the quality of care these patients deserve. On top of providing quality care and helping to reduce unnecessary hospitalizations, participants have an opportunity to earn up to 25% shared savings with no downside risk.

Excitement is high as we expand into this new service line, and we are actively recruiting medical groups and providers to join us! For more information, click here.

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