March 13, 2025

Challenging dogma in the ICU (Part II)

In a previous episode, Dr. Sergio Zanotti explored the importance of challenging dogma, particularly when the supporting evidence is weak or absent. Today, he continues that discussion by examining critical care practices that persist despite a lack of strong scientific validation. He's joined by Dr. Mervyn Singer, an internationally recognized leader in critical care medicine. Dr. Singer is a professor of intensive care medicine at University College London and a distinguished clinician, researcher, and educator. Through his research, publications, and dynamic presentations, he has inspired Dr. Zanotti — and countless intensivists worldwide — to think critically, challenge conventions, and push the boundaries of our field.

Additional resources:
Challenging management dogma where evidence is non-existent, weak, or outdated: part II. DA Hofmaennner and M. Singer. Intensive Care Med2024: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.go

Challenging management dogma where evidence is non-existent, weak, or outdated. DA Hofmaennner and M. Singer. Intensive Care Med 2022:

Biomarker-Guided Antibiotic Duration for Hospitalized Patients with Suspected Sepsis. The ADAPT-Sepsis Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA 2025:

Hyperglycemic Crises in Adults with Diabetes: A Consensus Report. Diabetes Care 2024:

Books and music mentioned in this episode.
Influenza: The Hundred-Year Hunt to Cure the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic. By. Jeremy Brown:

Beethoven: 9 Symphonies / Karajan 1963: